When Republicans retake control of the US Senate in 2008 we can pass an effective Border Security bill to protect our communities and a common-sense Guest Worker bill to protect our economy.
The legislation being considered in the U.S. Senate today is so bad that Democrat Majority Leader Harry Reid, who is leading the charge for its passage in the full Senate claims it is President Bush’s, not theirs.
In the grand scheme, the two votes today have been a victory for all Americans who believe in the Rule of Law – who believe immigration reform begins with securing our borders. This neither secures the borders nor deals with illegal immigration fairly. But these votes today have also been a tremendous victory for the majority of Arizona voters and the vast majority of Arizona Republicans who oppose this legislation and who stood up and asked to be counted.
Don’t stop now, my friends. Our complacency is all that stands in between our opponents on this Amnesty bill and their ultimate victory over common sense and the Rule of Law. Call your senators and tell them to hold firm against this legislation.
Today’s early victories belong to you! Harry Reid has already stated that this issue is not dead and we must always be vigilant and watchful when this issue may rise again. Whether or not we win tomorrow is also in our hands!
As always, it is an honor to serve you as chairman.