Pullen says Giffords is being disingenuous
“Democrats campaigned on a message that talked about change. And we specified a variety of issues that we were going to move within the first 100 legislative hours of the year. And so far, we've begun with ethics reform, lobbying reform, earmark reform. That was the very first piece of legislation that went through, and had bipartisan support.” (Gabrielle Giffords - Arizona Daily Star, 1/21/07)
PHOENIX, AZ – “Gabrielle Giffords is being disingenuous with the people that elected her to Congress,” said Randy Pullen, chairman of the Arizona Republican Party. “Five months ago, Ms. Giffords talked about change and reform specifically on the earmark process. Today, Congressional Democrats like Giffords are turning their back on the voters who elected them. Once again, a Giffords campaign promise has turned out to be just an empty promise.”
Pullen Continued, “Fresh off their historic vote to pass the largest tax increase in American history, Democrats are now creating a secret slush fund for earmarks devoid of public scrutiny, with no oversight, and without accountability.
“It’s antics like this that have caused Congress under the Democrats to have record low approval ratings. Ms. Giffords ought to start representing the interests of the people who elected her and not the special interests and lobbyists in Washington. If she doesn’t start listening to her district instead of Nancy Pelosi and Hillary Clinton, she’s going to find herself out of a job,” concluded Pullen.