Phoenix, AZ – “I am proud of the courage and conviction that John Boehner has shown in the current showdown over earmark rules in the U.S. House,” said Randy Pullen, chairman of the Arizona Republican Party. “The only thing standing between the Democrats and a secret earmark slush fund is the tenacity of the Republican Caucus.”
Pullen continued, “It’s unfortunate that Nancy Pelosi and David Obey have decided to go back on their word to the American people and transform a very open process into a process of secrecy with little accountability. John Boehner and the rest of the Republicans should be lauded for their steadfast support of fair debate about each spending bill and holding Pelosi and Obey in check and keeping from enacting their multi-billion dollar spending spree.
“Arizonans can be proud of their Republican members of Congress. John Shadegg has been a leader on the Republican Study Committee, fighting for lower taxes and a more responsible government for years. Jeff Flake has been on the forefront of earmark reform and takes aim on a weekly basis at the various congressional ‘pork’ projects. Trent Franks is a leader in the fight to streamline the tax code and implement the ‘Fair Tax’ system in this country. Finally, Rick Renzi has been a reliable vote to balance the budget and bring needed tax relief to Arizona families.
“Arizonans can be proud of Jeff Flake, Trent Franks, John Shadegg, and Rick Renzi for their efforts now and in the past to balance the budget, reduce taxes, and cut wasteful government spending,” concluded Pullen.