Phoenix, AZ – Yesterday, just hours after the White House released an interim assessment report on the situation in Iraqi, Democrats in Congress, including Arizona’s four Democrat U.S. House Members, voted to pull U.S. troops from their war against terror by spring. According to Arizona Republican Party chairman Randy Pullen, the vote put American troops and American lives at risk.
“History will show that at 6:12 (EDT) in the evening on July 12, 2007, Harry Mitchell, Gabrielle Giffords, Raul Grijalva and Ed Pastor voted to surrender the nation of Iraq to the terrorists,” said Pullen. “On November 4, 2008, the voters will have their chance to say exactly how they feel about Arizona Democrats who surrender to anyone.
“The report these representatives got from the White House talked about eighty Syrian suicide bombers entering Iraq each month. Is the answer to pull U.S. troops out of Iraq when the Iraqi government has provided the three brigades of troops they fulfilled their commitment to provide? Certainly the answer wasn’t to defy the U.S. State Department and stab Israel in the back by negotiating directly with state sponsors of terrorism in Syria, but we couldn’t stop Democrat House Speaker Nancy Pelosi from doing exactly that. Her reward was the votes of Mitchell, Giffords, Grijalva and Pastor yet again,” Pullen said.
“How many times do Democrat U.S. Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid and Democrat US House Speaker Nancy Pelosi have to call for our surrender to terrorists before Mitchell, Giffords and others figure out that Congress should not be trying to run the war? Their job is to support our troops,” Pullen said. “This isn’t just a do-nothing Congress, it’s a stop-trying Congress, and that’s more than just cowardly. It’s the reason why only 14-percent of American voters approve of the job this Democrat-controlled Congress is doing, and it’s the reason next year’s elections couldn’t come soon enough.”
For more information, please contact Brett Mecum at 602.957.7770 or at [email protected]