PHOENIX, AZ – “Last night, Harry Mitchell received his ‘thank you’ from Nancy Pelosi for his role in helping the Democrats ‘steal’ a vote in the House of Representatives earlier this month,” said Randy Pullen, chairman of the Arizona Republican Party. “The fundraiser last night was clearly a ‘reward’ for Nancy Pelosi’s ‘trained seal’.”
Pullen continued, “It’s appalling that Mitchell and Pelosi are doing their ‘feel good’ tour of Phoenix, when we all know that in their short leadership tenure in Congress, Mitchell and Pelosi have accomplished very little other than naming federal buildings, post offices and parks. What’s worse is that Harry Mitchell is being led around by the nose by Nancy Pelosi. Yes, this is the same Nancy Pelosi that negotiated with state-sponsors of terrorism, attempted to micro-manage the war and surrender in Iraq, and was blatantly unapologetic when she and Mitchell ‘stole’ a congressional immigration vote.
“With congressional approval ratings at their lowest point in history and Harry Mitchell voting with Nancy Pelosi and the extremist liberal fringe of the Democrat Party a whopping eighty-nine percent of the time, I think that the voters of his district are quickly realizing that Harry Mitchell has little conviction and puts party politics above the people he represents,” concluded Pullen.