Fellow Arizona Republicans:
Having just returned from my first RNC meeting a few days ago I am even more energized than usual that we are Republicans for a reason. We believe in –
- Lower Taxes
- Greater Opportunity
- Limited Government
- National Security
As of today there are 452 days to the 2008 general election. What we have learned since the 2006 election is that the Democrat Party is not afraid to use their resistance to the War on Terror in order to gain electoral advantage. With the chaos on the left they have abused their newfound majority, voted to raise our taxes $400 billion, limited free speech, taken away worker rights, blocked judicial appointments and have gone to the trough at a record pace picking up new earmarks.
The difference between Democrats and Republicans:
Them Us
Insults Ideas
Vitriol Vision
Surrender Optimism
Our efforts in the upcoming election will depend upon unity and dollars. Unless we are unified behind our candidates we cannot raise the resources required to spread our message.
On a national basis our party is performing well. Having raised $45,000,000 since January 1, 2007 the National Party has $14,000,000 in the bank (Vs. $2,000,000 for the DNC). Expenses are running $4,500,000 below budget so far. What is encouraging is that of the 875,000 total donors we have 50,000 brand new contributors. The average gift to the RNC is $51.77 so we equally match up with the grass root effort the Democrats have made.
During our meeting I supported two important resolutions. The first (see detail) dealt with immigration enforcement and was introduced by our AZGOP Chairman Randy Pullen. The passage of Chairman Pullen’s resolution with overwhelming support is a great victory for the grassroots of our party and a clear message that is already proving to have broad implications as Congress is giving further consideration to border security.
Kudos to our chairman for his courage and foresight in sponsoring this resolution. As a further bit of insight for our Arizona Republican activists – Mr. Pullen is a respected leader within the RNC ranks. The other members look to him for leadership on this and many other important issues. Randy Pullen represents our Arizona values and the interests of our grassroots activists with skill and integrity. When you see him the next time I hope you will thank him for his representation.
Another resolution I supported was to rescind RNC support of a concept presented called “One Vote.” This program would commit America to an extra 1% of our national budget to go to the UN for poverty and hunger relief. While we were not successful in our efforts I look forward to working with the sponsor of the resolution – Mr. Haugland from North Dakota – to re-introduce it again in January. As national committeeman, I am deeply concerned with poverty and hunger in Arizona, in America and around the world, but I do not feel the United Nations is specifically the best entity able to address these issues when it has proven itself overburdened with bureaucracy, red tape and corruption. Trusting it with $30 billion in new U.S. taxpayer money does not seem like a wise way to solve such tremendous issues when other options in the private and faith-based sectors are worth considering.
Our national party does face some significant challenges including:
• Party Unity – Like Arizona many other states face differences on key issues that require good people with honorable intentions to come together. In the end when the GOP is unified we win elections. With the future of America on the line we have no option other than putting our differences aside to secure victory.
• Voter Registration – the mid year reports show public fatigue with both national parties. Independents have made big gains in voter registration. Our targeted voter registration program is more important than ever. So is our need to clearly brand the GOP image and transmit our message to all America.
• Resources – Where the RNC has a fundraising advantage our Senate and House fundraising efforts lag the Democrats. Our opponents are energized but when we unify our grassroots, plus perfect our message, I am confident we will prevail in 2008.
Lastly, on a personal note….. the meeting was a great opportunity for me to learn how the RNC works and meet other members who I identify with on a political level.
Thank you for your support and stay tuned for more news about our Grand Old Party.
Bruce Ash