Phoenix, AZ—In congressional debate today, California Democrat Congressman Fortney “Pete” Stark suggested President Bush derived “amusement” from the death of U.S. soldiers in the war on terror. Arizona Republican Party Chairman Randy Pullen said his Democrat counterpart should call on all Democrats to demand Stark apologize.
“…But you're going to spend it to blow up innocent people -- if we can get enough kids to grow old enough for you to send to Iraq to get their heads blown off for the president's amusement,” Congressman Stark said earlier today, igniting a firestorm of outrage. Moments later, congressional Democrats added fuel to the fire refusing to declare the remarks inappropriate, issue an apology, or ask the congressman to retract his remarks.
“We haven’t even entered the actual election year and Democrat rhetoric is so vitriolic that callers to our headquarters are quite shocked,” Pullen said. “I can’t think of a moment in history when Democrats have stooped so low as to suggest a sitting U.S. president took pleasure from the death of American servicemen.
“Just weeks ago the Democrats used MoveOn.Org to suggest one of America’s most decorated generals had betrayed his own nation,” said Pullen. “Today senior Democrats are saying on the floor of the U.S. House of Representatives, a place where many great and important debates have taken place, that the President is amused by the death of U.S. soldiers.
“Why has the Democrat Congress sunk to just 11-percent approval ratings, the lowest in American history?” Pullen asked. “Perhaps because their gutter-trash, morally-bankrupt, do-nothing record in Congress upsets the American people as much as it upsets me. We don’t need to turn the U.S. Congress into the Jerry Springer show.
“Congressman Stark owes the President and the American people an apology,” Pullen concluded.
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CLICK HERE to read the original AZGOP press release!
The problem with the democrats and what scares me most about the future of America is that they feel they can justify their abhorrent behavior... furthermore, they have the media which is more or less bought and paid for by them to spin things in their direction.
The depths to which common decency has sunk is very troubling. College paper editors writing "F____ Bush" as a headline; Michael Moore making millions off of crockumentaries full of lies and distortions;'s vicious personal attacks; Stark's vicious attack; the filth coming out of the mouths of the Holly-weird "elite".
It is one think to disagree with a person, but it is completely another when personal character is assassinated to the degree the democrats have gotten away with over the last few years. The office of the President of the United States commands respect - whether you agree with the President's positions or not.
I am ashamed at "that" part of America. The worst of the worst part is, that they have the most "airtime". Their senseless, baseless, classless whinings and filth-filled rhetoric is deemed as the gospel truth. It sickens me to no end!
Posted by: Jennifer Alcock | October 24, 2007 at 01:19 PM