For six years, Democrat New York Governor Eliot Spitzer has engaged in the act of cheating on his wife, lying to voters and breaking the law by paying for sex with prostitutes, and in at least one case, transporting a sex professional across state lines.
For five years, Governor Napolitano has broken the state’s budget and busted the bank rewarding contract after contract and job after job to her friends and political allies despite their record of ineptitude and negligence – just look at their record of success at Arizona’s veteran’s home and Child Protective Services, for starters.
For four years, we have worked to get our state’s immigration and border laws enforced, but Governor Napolitano and Attorney General Terry Goddard don’t seem to think the law matters in Arizona.
For the three years, I was honored to serve Arizona as a National Committeeman on the Republican National Committee, and during this time we have made it the official policy of this great Party to enforce the rule of law first and foremost when it comes to such things as securing our borders and pulling investments out of terrorist nations like Iran.
For two years, Democrats have had control of the U.S. Congress and have become the most corrupt leaders in history, promoting and rewarding Members caught with federal sting money hidden in their freezers and blocking commonsense earmark reform aimed at removing special interests from politics once and for all.
And for the last year, I have had the honor to serve as Chairman of the Arizona Republican Party, during which time we have not only tried in vain to hold Democrats’ feet to the fire to end the culture of corruption which has come to dominate our national political landscape, but we’ve also been tough on our own elected officials who have even been suspected of breaking the public’s trust.
The fact that Democrat Governor Napolitano hasn’t called on fellow Democrat Governor Eliot Spitzer to resign despite Mr. Spitzer having stood at a podium and admitted his guilt shows how broken the system has become and how tolerant the Democrats have become of corruption in their own ranks. If this were a Republican they would wail like banshees, but since it’s one of their own, they’re dead silent.
Arizona voters deserve better and we in the Arizona Republican Party will continue to offer real solutions, real ideas and real hope for the future. Our promises aren’t empty and our vision doesn’t extend just to the next Election Day.
And, yes, Governor Spitzer, aka Mr. Clean, should resign.
You noticed that too, David! Of the dozens of reports I saw on the TV "news" not once was his party affiliation menitoned.
What a shameless whitewash by the media. Shameless!
Posted by: Jennifer Alcock | March 13, 2008 at 09:18 PM
When GOP'rs are accused of wrongdoing (waaaay before anything concrete comes out of it) they are lynched by the media, the left, hollywood and all the other leftist whackos.
When dems are PROVEN to be corrupt, criminal, lying, cheating, adulterous dinks - THEY'RE PROMOTED!!!!
Case in point - The Madame Pelosi... HER land deals were far more scandalous than Renzi's EVER could be and she's the speaker.
Case in point - Senate "leader" Reid.... very shady real estate deals and HE'S THE SENATE LEADER.
Case in point - Barack Obama - even SHADIER land deals and a huge donor on his way to prison - AND HE'S THE PRESUMPTIVE DEMOCRAT PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE!!!!!
Case in point - William Jefferson. CAUGHT WITH DOUGH IN HIS FRIDGE... and I ain't talkin 'bout PIZZA DOUGH. Not only has he refused to step down, HE HAS THE SUPPORT OF THE ENTIRE DEMOCRAT MACHINE!!!
Case in point - The Daley machine in Chicago. I just simply don't have enough time left on planet earth to go into THEIR collective misdeeds.
Case in point - The Clintons. (same as above... not enough time left in life to list THOSE misdeeds).
Posted by: Jennifer Alcock | March 11, 2008 at 10:26 PM
Dear Mr. Pullen,
You are so correct. Indeed, i was thinking about you today before i received your email. I was thinking WHEN John McCain becomes president we should seek to have Randy Pullen fill that Senate seat.
In 2006 the Democrats said throw the bums out! I think they were referring to their own embezzlement, corruption and infidelity issues. The public misunderstood.
Today, let's throw these bums out starting with Gigalow Spitzer.
They said they wanted change then in 2006. Since Nancy Pelosi has taken office the only thing that i have seen is bickering and confusion. Pelosi should have passed through Phoenix rather than Damascus, Syria.
Recently i heard she is still blocking the FISA measure, however she has instituted cutting the tax credits for oil companies by 18 Billion dollars, which ultimately will be reflected in every day people at the gas pump. Only to further dismay, Pelosi did introduce this to the House, but they excluded CITGO (Hugo Chavez) and allows him to keep the tax credit that Pelosi is taking from an American company, Exxon. I have encouraged Exxon to sue for discrimination.
Again, Mr. Pullen we salute you and honor you for being a Republican and doing the right thing. I will be looking for the ballot with your name on it shortly after McCain is elected president.
Posted by: Judith Halston | March 11, 2008 at 05:49 PM