Struggling for relevancy and desperate for ideas, the Arizona Democrat Party has resorted to ridiculous claims and inane accusations. In a recent press release, the Arizona Democrat Party blamed Governor Jan Brewer for nearly everything from unemployment figures to the monsoon.
Charging the Governor with a “lack of leadership,” newly-minted AZDEM Executive Director Luis Heridia, claimed that “we need a leader in the Governor’s office who will engage Democrats and Republicans, bring all parties to the table, and negotiate a solution protecting critical priorities.”
“Blaming Governor Brewer for not engaging with state Legislators is laughable,” said Brett Mecum, AZGOP Executive Director. “In fact, it is the Democrats who have bogged down budget negotiations. Facing an unprecedented fiscal crisis, Democrat legislators have actually suggested spending increases. Republican leadership has led the way in cutting millions out of state spending and continue to look for additional opportunities to trim even more fat out of the budget,” he said.
“I understand that Mr. Heridia is new to the job and must have missed this year’s legislative session, but Governor Brewer has sought to work with Republicans and Democrats in bipartisan fashion in order to get a positive result for Arizona’s citizens. It is disingenuous to suggest otherwise.”
“What is truly amazing is that Kyrsten Sinema and Democrat leadership seemingly want it both ways,” he said. “They call on Governor Brewer to consider their proposals, but offer few if any substantive initiatives that will save our state money -- just spend more of it. Maybe they should take a page out of the book Ms. Sinema is peddling around town and ‘Unite’ behind a fiscally responsible budget plan.”
“State Democrats have seemingly employed a circular firing squad policy with the Governor in their sights,” said Mecum. “What they don’t realize is that the public sees right through their weak, hypocritical and partisan hatchet job. Arizonans are sick of this kind of politics, and they’ll hold those legislators accountable who offer little but criticize much.”
“The good thing is that voters are smarter than the Arizona Democrat Party gives them credit for,” Mecum continued. “Arizona’s citizens know that budget negotiations are moving forward. But they are curious as to why in this time of fiscal uncertainty that Democrats are proposing new programs and spending. Their time would be better spent working on a plan that saves our state money and attracts business to Arizona.”