Evidently the so-called congressional "district work period" has confused Mr. Mitchell. Although the merits of a trip to Israel cannot be debated, the timing of the trip certainly speaks to his priorities. Worse yet, it may indicate that he has already been told how he will vote by Nancy Pelosi.
While I am relieved that Congressman Mitchell is safe back in Arizona, we need to find out where he stands on the issue of healthcare reform. With the Congressman on a different part of the planet, I’m concerned that he may have missed how his constituents feel about a system of government-run healthcare.
Regrettably, Congressman Mitchell has provided exactly what we expected him to provide for his constituents. Nothing. No leadership, no results, no accountability. Zip, zero, nada.
During one of the most important debates our country has had in recent memory, Representative Mitchell has hidden in plain sight.
We all know that it is hot in Phoenix during the summer, but hiding from your constituents really makes their blood boil and I think I’ve been to his office in Scottsdale more often than he has over the summer.
The good news is, he is hosting a "Tele Town-Hall" tonight. Probably as far away from his district as he can get. Once again, it seems that Harry is just phoning it in.
If you are interested, you can sign up for this event by going to www.azgop.org.