Phoenix, AZ— Arizona Republican Party Chairman Randy Pullen today called on Democrat presidential, congressional and local candidates and officeholders to “just say no to terrorism.” Pullen’s comments came after the Democrat presidential hopefuls gathered in Iowa to debate, with more than one candidate calling for cooperation with state-sponsors of terrorism.
“Pull everybody out and turn to the Iranians, who helped us defeat the Taliban initially. It was the Iranians. So if we don't bring the Iranians to help us, or the Syrians, or Saudi Arabia, of course it's going to be a disaster,” said former US Senator Mike Gravel (D-Alaska).
“An all-Muslim peacekeeping force. Get Turkey, get Jordan, get Egypt. Talk to Iran and Syria. Bring them in,” said New Mexico Governor Bill Richardson.
Pullen countered, “You have Democrat Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid surrendering to terror every chance he gets. You have Democrat House Speaker visiting with state-sponsors of terror abroad, against the wishes of our own diplomatic corps, all the while attempting to de-fund our troops. You have some of our Democrat presidential candidates calling for terrorists to be included in peace negotiations. Just say no, folks.”
Pullen also chided Senator Hillary Clinton for her John Kerryesque flip-flop of the debate. Moderator George Stephanopoulos had just finished asking Senator Rodham-Clinton whether she had reversed her position on the use of nuclear weapons when the Senator did it again, on camera: “No option should be off the table, but I would certainly take nuclear weapons off the table,” she said on Sunday.
“The Democrats are for something, then they’re against something when the polls change,” Pullen said. “That isn’t leadership – it’s frightening and it’s dangerous. This isn’t what we need in a president – it’s what they make Ritalin to cure.
“Republican candidates like US Senator John McCain, Governor Mitt Romney, Mayor Rudy Giuliani and prospective candidates like former US Senator Fred Thompson and the rest of the Republican field are united in many ways – but an important way today is that none of them, as President, would ever negotiate with, or surrender to, a terrorist,” Pullen said.