Day 6 started with a drive back to Phoenix with Bill Bridwell, 2nd Vice Chairman of our AZGOP, to attend the memorial service at Best Funeral North Central Chapel for 1st Vice Chairman, John Rutledge, who passed away last Friday night. The chapel was filled with his family and many friends to say a last goodbye. John will be missed by all but not forgotten.
Driving back to Florence, Bill Bridwell and I discussed the current political situation in Pinal County. Long a Democrat stronghold from early territorial days, things are a changing. Recent Democrat scandals have opened the door for Republican candidates. This will be the breakthrough election year for Republicans in Pinal County with possibly two supervisor positions and the Sheriff’s office turning red. The first time countywide offices will be won by Republicans! We also have three strong candidates for the legislature and expect to win seats for the first time in LD23.
On the national level, the war between Russia and Georgia has reminded us all that the world is not a nice place. Peace has not broken out all over for the citizens of the world. Every time the Liberal left and the drive-by media think they are winning the war of words and ideas, something happens – oil prices skyrocket, wars not involving Americans break out and Obama takes a vacation at the wrong time. Enough said, Senator McCain will be our next President.
Arriving back at the hotel, I pulled on my Spandex, jumped on the bike and started pedaling. It was 12:15 pm, and I had 64.5 miles ahead of me to reach Tucson. It was already well into triple digit temperatures, and the first 36 miles is uphill. I set a slow pace of 12.5 mph, knowing it would be a long hot day – and it was.
As you gain altitude and approach Oracle Junction, the desert is transformed into grasslands with flowering barrel cacti, sunflowers, wild daisies and many other flowers. The monsoon rains have brought renewed live and beauty to the high desert. At mile 35, it began to rain and it brought welcome relief from the heat as I cooled off and increased my speed.
As we entered north Tucson, I began looking for our RV Park for the night. My original plan was to stay in southeast Tucson, but the change in schedule and late start necessitated a new location. Whipping out my Blackberry and opening up Google maps I punched in RV Park and several turned up within a couple of miles of our location at Oracle and Ina Roads. Driving by the first one, it seemed to be all mobile homes, the same with the second one. Then it dawned on me, I wanted a “travel park.” No problem, a quick change and Google identified 3 within 2 miles – all next to I-10. Love the sound of traffic?
Pulling into the travel park at dusk, our neighbor came over to help us get hooked up. With no prompting, he volunteered he was supporting McCain. How could he know? Maybe it was the Republican banner on our RV. I gave him a McCain bumper sticker and thought, all is well in RV land.